Junior Campus

Lost & Found

The lost and found is located at the Junior Campus, on the Royal side: inside the building, on your left, at the bottom of the stairwell.

Willingdon Lost & Found

Please come in and see if your child(ren)’s belongings are in the Lost & Found. There are an abundance of items. Check out the photos below.

If an item is named, it will be taken to Ms Rosie’s office in the morning after sorting, and should be returned to your child. If there is no name, it will remain on the table for a couple of weeks.

Anything that has been in the Lost & Found past the 2 week mark will be bagged up and put under the tables. Once every 4 weeks, a team of volunteers will come and collect the items to give away in the community.

Photos taken at 9am, Friday January 10, 2024