Corn Roast 2024 Highlights

Corn Roast 2024 Highlights

Highlights from the Annual Willingdon Corn Roast – September 11, 2024

We couldn’t have buttered ourselves up with better weather for this year’s Corn Roast! With the help of a small but ear-nest army of volunteers, (who we cannot thank enough) we shucked, boiled, and served a corn-tastic 1,000 ears of corn. Families enjoyed a fun-filled evening with classic games like the Corn-Sack races and a tug-of-war that really pulled the crowd in, while parents got the chance to meet new faces and reconnect with old friends.

A special thank you goes out to:

  • Kristin & Jay
  • Nicholas
  • Nicolina
  • Robin
  • Heidi
  • Shaun
  • Sophia
  • Nadine
  • Ken and Violet
  • Caretaker Richard

It’s events like these that truly kernel our community spirit and create lasting memories for our kids. Keep your eyes peeled for more community-building events — after all, it takes all of us to make these moments a-maize-ing!

Photo Disclaimer

We’re delighted to have Dave Handelman, a Willingdon parent, capture our memories. During school events that Home and School supports, such as Halloween, Dave photographs children whose parents signed media release form. For Home and School events outside regular school hours, Dave freely photographs. However, if you would like to have a photo of your child/family removed from the website, please contact Home and School and we’ll be happy to oblige.

Photos from Corn Roast 2024

(click photo to see slideshow)

Meet your Home & School team

Meet your Home & School team

Willingdon’s Home & School Committee is there to make sure every Willingdon kid has a year to remember. We run events all year long to help parents get to know each other, have fun and keep our local community strong!

Please join us at the Junior Campus in the teachers lounge at 7pm on Wednesday, September 18th, to find out more about Home & School and meet the Executive team!

Welcome PreK and Kindergarten Parents

Welcome PreK and Kindergarten Parents

We would like to warmly invite you to stop by and see us in the Draper side cafeteria after dropping your child off for their first morning. We will have croissants, fruit, coffee, tea and tissues! 

Come have a chat with parents reaching the same milestone tomorrow, commiserate or celebrate, whatever you are feeling.  Some Home and School volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions and let you know about upcoming events. 

TSAW recap 2022

TSAW recap 2022

That’s a wrap on this winter’s TSA !!

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week (TSAW) was a great success!

A huge thank you to the wonderful members of our community who generously supplied plants, coffee & dolci, and new bags for the teachers and staff!

Our most heartfelt appreciation to every single teacher, staff member, and Willingdon’s admin team for everything you do — big and small — for our kids day in and day out. :heart:

Check out the photos below!

2021-2022 School Photos

2021-2022 School Photos

2021-2022 SCHOOL PHOTO DAY(s)

November 12th: photo make-up date for anyone who was absent.

In collaboration with Life Touch Photography, the photo days will take place indoors this year at both campuses.

November 12th is the photo make-up date. If you child missed photo day, November 12th is your chance! Photos will be taken at junior campus for both junior & senior campus students.








Please take note of the following important details:






  • All photos will take place INDOORS.
  • Due to COVID restrictions, we will unfortunately not be offering any group photos* or sibling photos this year.  *with one exception, group photos will be taken for the grade 6 graduates with masks on.
  • All photographers and volunteers will wear masks during the entire process and will remain physically distanced from the students. Students will remove their masks only while their own photo is being taken.






Questions? Contact the Home & School team at









2020-2021 Home and School Recap

2020-2021 Home and School Recap



Everything may have been very different this year, but we nonetheless had a great year thanks to you! Your generous contributions and amazing spirit have made this another successful Home & School year!

2020-2021 fundraising in numbers: 

Fundraisers: School supplies sale, Mabel’s & Oliver’s Labels, Pizza night and more !

  • $1579.23 raised in proceeds from the 2020 online school supplies sale (240 orders were place last year!)
  • $1614.40 raised through the family pizza night, photo day, and Mabel’s & Oliver’s labels
  • $3970 raised through FroYo (proceeds split between the Grad Committee and Home & School)

Virtual Scholastic Book Fair

  • $3870.78 total sales
  • With the scholastics rewards raised last year, over $5000 in scholastics rewards offered to the teachers in the form of classrooms supplies and books.

Holiday Baskets

  • 12 overflowing boxes of food and goods to fill holiday gift baskets for local families

Grad Committee

  • $10 645.09 raised through the generous donations from the grade 6 families, the Holiday Market, the spirit-wear sales, and chocolates sales.

Family Support Fund 

  • $7442.38 raised through direct donations, Tru Earth, Recette en Pot and the Spirit-wear campaign;
  • Thoughtful Thursday food collections for the Willingdon Pantry initiative;
  • Every family who requested support received sponsorship;
  • Support includes:
    • $5340 spent on school fees and lunch monitor fees;
    • $5179.00 spent on groceries and grocery gift cards for families in need;
    • $101 spent on FroYo;
    • $1105.50 spent on weekly hot lunches from Mini Bistro;
    • and so much more!


  • Year-round “Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week” (TSAW) activities: Thank you to Kim Tulloch & Ania Muller for coordinating such a special TSA year! 
  • Kindergarten welcome treats
  • Snack bags for the Grade 5 Welcome to senior campus event in September
  • Halloween festivities
  • Kindergarten Holiday event
  • Sponsored Mini Bistro lunches
  • Themed days (Tropical Beach Day, Crazy Hat/Hair day)
  • Art Therapy Program
  • New bike racks for senior campus
  • Virtual Magic Show
  • Baked goods collection for Resilience Montreal
  • Kindergarten orientation contributions
  • Photo days
  • Freezie Day
  • Freezies for Kindergarten graduation day
  • Donation of supplies for Autism Awareness month
  • Donation of books for Black History Month

The generosity in the Willingdon Community is truly unmatched. We are so grateful for your continued support throughout the year, for all of our fundraising initiatives.  

We would also like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to the Willingdon administration, staff, and teachers. It is because of all of you that we had such a great year. You welcomed us into the school even during these difficult times and we thank you for the extra support you provided to each of the Home & School initiatives when our volunteers weren’t able to be there themselves.

A very big thank you goes out to all of our volunteers! From FroYo pick-ups and deliveries, to coordinating events, to the day to day volunteering, we appreciate you being there with us to make each of our events happen. THANK YOU ALL !

Cheers & Happy Summer! 

Your Home & School Executive Members

Co-Chairs: Margo Stewart and Karen Negrete

Treasurer & Membership: Anna Calvert

Co-Communications Chairs: Andrea Archibald & Amélie Bélanger

Co-Secretaries: Ania Muller & Veronica Santaguida

Family Support Fund: Kristy Cuevas

Member-at-Large: Julie Trudel