Scholastics Book Fair

February 23rd at junior campus

Mark your calendars!

The Scholastics book fair is back! On February 23rd students from all grades (K-6) will get to shop the Scholastics book fair at junior campus. 


 Some important details to remember: 


  • CASH ONLY. Students need to bring cash to shop the book fair. Please be sure to put the money in a pouch or ziplock that is labelled with your child’s name and homeroom number. Please remind your children not to share their money pouch with another student.
  • Students from every grade will get the chance to shop the book fair. The shuttle bus schedule will be modified for grades 5 & 6 students to allow them to attend the book fair.
  • The book fair is also available for parents to shop online! The online book fair is open from February 17th-23rd. Check out the links below. 

Thank you so much for supporting this event and fundraiser!